<strong>BE THE BEAT & ROCK YOUR RED to support American Heart Month 2023</strong>

Posted on January 31, 2023 by
Tags: county connection Health Power Henrico Wellness
<strong>BE THE BEAT & ROCK YOUR RED to support American Heart Month 2023</strong>

February is American Heart Month, and there are many ways for you to Go Red and help raise awareness for heart health. Friday, February 3 is National Wear Red Day, and you can BE THE BEAT by wearing red, sharing at least one healthy habit you’re prioritizing – it could be sleep, stress management, physical activity, nutrition, or whatever works best for you – and encourage others to do the same. Together we can help others we know to reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease by building healthy habits.

Get your work squad together, rally your team, and GO RED together:

  • Wear Red! Encourage your office team to wear their favorite red outfits on Friday, February 3 – National Wear Red Day.
  • Make an office playlist. Share a song that gets you moving or helps to manage stress.
  • Get up and move throughout the day. A simple stretch break or a workout class at the office will help reduce stress and is a great way to bond as a team.
  • Hold a healthy eating challenge. Challenge your office to commit to healthy eating during American Heart Month.
  • Share how you are supporting your cardiovascular health this month. Listen to what others are doing. Please encourage them to keep going and celebrate the wins!
  • Learn more about cardiac arrest, stroke, and CPR.

Let us know how what healthy habit you are prioritizing. If you aren’t sure where to begin on your better health journey, reach out to the Division of Fitness and Wellness and consider health coaching or fitness classes.

Employee Health Services (EHS) also offers blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, and counseling for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol management. Call 804-501-1600 to schedule an appointment or for more information.

Show us your red! Please email any photos of you and your teams wearing your red to Christy Nealey for a chance to be featured on social media or in the next County Connection!