Public Safety Fitness

Our Mission & Vision

We research and apply appropriate effective strength and conditioning strategies to optimize job performance and mitigate injury for our tactical athletes. Our training methods aim to bridge the gap between critical job tasks and physical fitness for Henrico County Deputies, Firefighters, and Police Officers. We strongly believe that the tactical athlete should carefully prioritize one’s performance triad of fitness, nutrition, and sleep to be well-equipped for service.

For more information or downloadable programs please visit the Fitness and Wellness SharePoint site or contact Joshua Gaskins.

Tactical Strength & Conditioning Programs


We utilize a unique and balanced wave-like programming that builds the tactical athlete annually through a multiphasic approach to maximize fitness for optimal job performance.

Offered Daily

Tower COD3FIT Class

Tower WODs will consist of gym-based or tower-based strength and conditioning workouts with operational mimicking tasks & exercises.

Offered 2x/year, Spring and Fall, for 12 weeks

Public Safety Games

This is our annual friendly public safety games competition between Police, Fire, and Sheriff for the title of the “Fittest Public Safety Division of the Year” by completing various fitness challenges throughout the year. This is the opportunity for the athlete to represent their agency as an individual or with a team to test their overall preparedness through various strength, endurance, and/or work capacity events.  The final event is the top teams going head to head in a grueling obstacle course at the end of the fiscal year for the title.