Get to Know Henrico County

Government Structure

Henrico County was one of the first localities in Virginia and the nation to adopt the County Manager form of local government. This consists of a Board of Supervisors, which is the policy-making body of the County, and a County Manager, who is the administrative head of the County. This form of government consolidates the administrative functions of the County into departments. The heads of most of the County’s departments are appointed by the County Manager.

Our Leaders

Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is the elected governing body of the County and is responsible for establishing policy within the framework of the Constitution and Code of Virginia. It adopts the annual operating and capital budgets and appropriates all funds for expenditure. Board members are elected to four-year terms by the voters in each of the County’s five magisterial districts: Brookland, Fairfield, Three Chopt, Tuckahoe, and Varina. The Board appoints the County Manager, who is the chief administrative officer of the County.

County Manager

Our County Manager, John Vithoulkas, is responsible for executing the policies established by the Board of Supervisors and for advising and recommending actions to the Board to meet the needs of County residents. He oversees a budget of over one billion dollars and a workforce of over 4,000 General Government employees. In addition to administering the day-to-day operations of the County, he serves as the Director of Public Safety and Special Services.


To find out about the department for which you will be working or to learn more about other County departments, please see this list of County agencies.