Policies and Procedures Section 05: Assignment Categories and Multiple Job Assignments


5.1 Categories of Employee Assignments

Employee assignments are categorized based on, among other things, the number of hours, duration of the assignment, and eligibility for benefits. The following describes the primary assignment categories used:

  1. Assignment Categories Eligible for Benefits:
    1. Full‐time: An employee hired in an authorized position who is scheduled to work and works 40 hours per workweek.
    2. Part‐time: An employee hired in an authorized position who is scheduled to work and works standard hours less than 40 hours per workweek (see Section 11 for specific permanent part-time benefits).
  2. Assignment Categories Not Eligible for Benefits: Assignments of a temporary nature are broken down into several specific assignment categories. Employees hired in these temporary assignment categories do not earn paid leave, are not eligible for benefits, will be paid an hourly rate of pay set by the Director of Human Resources, and should not expect continued employment or increases in their rate of pay.Time spent in a temporary assignment category shall not be used to meet requirements for benefits afforded employees in authorized positions. Continuous temporary or hourly employment immediately preceding employment in an authorized position in the same job classification where duties are identical may be used in determining level of compensation, as determined by the Director of Human Resources.

    Employees hired in these temporary assignment categories may be discharged with or without cause.

    The chart below identifies these temporary assignment categories and specific conditions relevant to the category.

    Employee Category Hours/Week Employment Duration Multiple Assignments*
    G_Reg Hrly (Regular Hourly) (Competitive) Less than or equal to 29 hours/week Unlimited Eligible, but only other Reg Hrly assignments. Total hours for all assignments combined must be less than or equal to 29 hours/week.
    G_Seasonal (Competitive) Less than or equal to 40 hours/week Less than six (6) months Eligible, but only other seasonal assignments. Total hours for all assignments must be less than or equal to 40 hours/week. All seasonal assignments must be within the same season (6 months).
    G_Emergency Hire (Not Competitive) Less than or equal to 29 hours/week Less than 90 days (with one extension of 90 days possible) Not eligible for multiple assignments.
    G_Consumer (MH/DS sheltered workshop participants) Less than or equal to 29 hours/week Unlimited Not eligible for multiple assignments.
    G_EO (Election Officials) Less than or Equal to 29 hours/week Unlimited Eligible
    FT/PPT (Full-Time and Permanent Part-Time) (Competitive) Varies Unlimited Eligible only if non-coinciding assignments

    * Multiple Job Assignments There are certain circumstances in which employees can work in secondary employment or multiple assignments within Henrico County (including Henrico County Public Schools). Any situations outside of the guidelines reflected above must be approved by the Director of Human Resources. See also Section 4.4-I.

5.2 Changes in Assignment Category

If a temporary employee moves to an authorized position, it is the department’s responsibility to coordinate with the Department of Human Resources to ensure that the employee attends New Employee Orientation and that all appropriate forms are submitted, including the HR Action Form.