Henrico Spread the Love

Posted on March 1, 2024 by Ashlee Giles, Advocate For the Aging, Division of Fire
Tags: advocate for the aging county connection engAGE Power Henrico
Henrico Spread the Love

Spread the Love 2024 marks the fourth year of the county’s Valentine’s Day Card drive, aimed at sharing our love and appreciation with senior adults in Henrico. The Advocate for the Aging Office received approximately ten thousand cards from across Central Virginia and distributed them to nearly forty senior living communities. Thousands of beautiful cards came from Henrico County Public Schools. Thanks to our students, we distributed pop-up cards, stamps, and beautifully crafted clay hearts! We also really appreciate the several General Government departments that created wonderful cards as well, including Varina Library, Human Resources, Department of Finance- Accounting, Department of Public Works – Standing Water Initiative,  County Clerk’s office, My Henrico Academy, and individuals from Hermitage, IDD Group Homes and Lakeside Center. Families, seniors participating in Senior Connections’ Friendship Cafés, and countless other groups contributed to this large-scale project. It was such a joy to sort the thousands of cards that included a variety of languages, images, and styles. The cards were nearly as diverse as Henrico County! Community members who donated cards and those who received cards shared that Spread the Love brings smiles to their faces. We are so grateful for those who participated in this project in and can’t wait to see what next year brings!