Earth Day and Energy Fair

Posted on April 1, 2021 by Carrie Webster, Energy Manager, Department of General Services
Tags: county connection earth day energy fair
Earth Day and Energy Fair

Henrico County’s Spring Earth Day and Energy Fair will be held Saturday April 24 at Deep Run Park, Armour House at Meadowview Park, and Virginia Randolph Academy.  Visit any or all three locations between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM for fun, safe, outdoor activities and environmental education.  This event is co-hosted by Henrico Energy Management, Henrico Recreation & Parks, Keep Henrico Beautiful, and Henrico County Public Libraries.

All three locations will feature environmental information and resources, fun outdoor activities, and goodie bags.  Each attendee can take home a reusable insulated lunch bag full of information and gifts including care kits, activity sheets, a reusable water bottle, “Don’t Trash Virginia” sticker and magnet, and wildflower seed bracelets (while supplies last). 

At Deep Run Park, contribute to a community art project and see a variety of electric vehicles on display courtesy of Drive Electric RVA. Learn about tools and resources Henrico Libraries offers for checkout that can help you save energy at home, such as portable watt meters and thermal imaging cameras.

Virginia Randolph Academy and Museum marks the site of the first Arbor Day celebration in Virginia.  The Academy at Virginia Randolph will be showcasing their Career and Technical Education programs including the Horticulture program.  Visit the museum to learn all about Miss Randolph’s legacy and the historic trees located on the campus.

See spring in bloom at the gardens of the historic Armour House and visit with the Virginia Naturalists to learn about native vs. invasive plant species.  An expert in home energy and solar from non-profit Viridiant will be on hand to answer your questions about whether solar is right for you.

Soles4Souls will be collecting new or used shoes for donation to those in need.  Tech for Troops will be collecting used electronics, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and flat screen monitors in any condition, for refurbishment and donation to veterans. You can bring donations to the Deep Run Park location, or to Deep Run or Eastern Henrico Recreation Centers the week prior to the fair starting Monday April 19.   

The Earth Day and Energy Fair is free and open to the public and will be held rain or shine.  If you have any questions, contact the Henrico County Energy Manager Carrie Webster at 501-5763 or [email protected].