<strong>Henrico’s New Capability Model: The Leading Others Capability</strong>

Posted on December 30, 2022 by Nancy Outlaw, Senior Human Resources Analyst, Organizational Learning and Talent Development Division, Department of Human Resources
Tags: capabilities capability model county connection leading others
<strong>Henrico’s New Capability Model: The Leading Others Capability</strong>

The many recent changes in the workplace have sparked a reimagining of how we accomplish work and demanded flexibility in responding to situations in the moment. Henrico County supports our employees in meeting these progressive challenges by providing the Capability Model. You can learn more about the capabilities on the resource page on the employee website.

To help you gain more in-depth knowledge of these capabilities, the County Connection features a series of articles, each focusing on a specific capability. This article focuses on “Leading Others.”

When we think of leadership, leading others instinctively comes to mind for many of us. But, whether we’re formal or informal leaders, the organization excels when we bring out the best in the people around us. 

The capability model describes Leading Others in four ways:

Relationship Management: Maintain ongoing rapport with customers and colleagues to forge effective relationships across the organization.

Well-Being (Whole Health): Builds and supports a work culture that enhances social, emotional, physical, mental, and purpose-related wellness.

Collaboration: Shares ideas, knowledge, and experience with others and works together to accomplish organizational goals.

Value & Develop Others: Motivates, empowers and supports others to accomplish team and organizational goals.

Here are some ways you can enhance your skills in the “Leading Others” capability:

  • Develop self-awareness. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and be mindful of how you come across to others at work. You can grow your leadership skills in this area by joining one of Henrico County’s leadership programs (Leadership Henrico (LH) for supervisors or Emerging Leaders Certification Program (ELCP) for non-supervisors). You can learn more about self- and social awareness in this video on Emotional Intelligence. Please pay attention to others’ communication styles and adjust your style and behavior when needed to communicate more effectively with them and be better understood. For more on Communication Styles, see this video.
  • When collaborating on a team, invite and be open to the ideas and opinions of all team members. Discuss and consider diverse viewpoints to make sure you are making the best decisions possible.
  • Willingly share information and your expertise with coworkers to set them and the organization up for success. 
    • For example, consider a “reverse mentoring” relationship with a coworker where you help each other improve in your respective areas of expertise. (Ex: you help the coworker strengthen their technology skills, and they help you master a process.)
  • When leading teams or supervising others:
    • Empower employees by encouraging decision-making and utilizing new and innovative methods of getting work done. 
    • Provide frequent, specific feedback, both positive and constructive, to help your team members grow and succeed. For tips on giving effective feedback, view our Delivering Feedback Effectively: SBI Method video on our OLTD YouTube channel
  • Encourage your teammates’ professional growth and development by encouraging them to join LH or ELCP.
  • Proactively take measures to manage your personal well-being and stress levels to be your best self. 
  • When leading teams or supervising others, support them in managing their well-being. Encourage them to take care of themselves and remind them of the wellness leave available to help them recharge and stay healthy. Employees can take advantage of the County’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if they are experiencing any personal difficulties that might affect their well-being. 

Leading others effectively strengthens relationships and leads to more engaged employees and improvements in communication, teamwork, productivity, customer service, and innovation, to name just a few benefits. 

To find more examples of the Leading Others capability, view our video series on our YouTube channel in these categories:

For more information on the Capability Model, view our Henrico Capability Model videos on our OLTD YouTube page or visit our resource page on the employee website.