Statewide Tornado Drill

Once again, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) is partnering with the National Weather Service to promote Virginia’s Severe Weather Awareness Week. The week is designed to refresh, remind, and educate everyone about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them. It’s also a great time to make and practice your […]

International Women’s Day

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #EmbraceEquity. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity. IWD belongs to everyone, […]

Retirement Roundup


Learn the difference between pretax and Roth (after-tax) savings. • Examine the tax benefits of each. • Help determine which might be a better fit for you.

Retirement Roundup


Learn the difference between pretax and Roth (after-tax) savings. • Examine the tax benefits of each. • Help determine which might be a better fit for you.

Retirement Roundup


Learn the difference between pretax and Roth (after-tax) savings. • Examine the tax benefits of each. • Help determine which might be a better fit for you.


Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly 30 A.D. The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events […]